1. When did you join CrossFit BC?
October 12, 2010. I remember it well. I was blown away by Danny’s customer care and courtesy. He sold me with the whole community aspect of CrossFit right away.

2. Why did you choose CrossFit?
I HATED weight training but needed something to balance my running obsession. Chronic recurrent injuries and upper body weakness were always a problem.

3. What changes in your health, physique and overall performance have you seen since starting CrossFit?
Where do I start? I feel like I can at least try anything now. I may not be the strongest or fastest but my endurance is improved and I am stronger than I have ever been in my life. I believe I am a happier and more relaxed person in the last three years because of CrossFit.

4. What advice would you give to someone with regards to starting CrossFit?
Start off slow and light and scale everything to get the technique right early on. Listen to your body and take a break when you need it. Persist and you will soon be making yourself take days off. Just try it. Anyone can do this. It IS for everyone and anyone. Listen to your coach.

5. What is your favourite CrossFit exercise?
Running Bear, Flight Simulator, Snatch, Kettle Bell Swings, Double Unders. Any exercise at 6am week days is the best because of the people I see there every day.

6. What is your favourite activity outside of CrossFit?
Running. Diving. Snorkeling. Swimming. Photography. Talking about CrossFit.

7. What is your proudest accomplishment at CrossFit?
Sticking with it for over 3 years and wanting to go every morning that I can.

8. Have you made any changes to your diet?
Not really. I am always trying to eat well but then there is chocolate!

9. Is there something that people would be surprised to know about you?
People are always surprised when they see my tattoos on my back. I can solve the Rubik’s Cube in under 3 minutes. I can flip stacks of up to 30 coins off my elbow and catch them in the same hand. I did relatively little physical activity in my 30’s, weighed 235lb, and had to go on high blood pressure medication briefly. I lost 50lb in 6 months when I turned 40. I have run 2 Marathons and 4 Half Marathons since turning 40.

10. What/who inspires you the most?
Seeing new people start and watching them make daily gains and staying with the program is more inspirational than any Rich Froning or Annie Thorisdottir.